
Showing posts from January, 2018

Look at the Clouds

Look at the Clouds I love how this picture came out. I love that the top starts out dark, then fades out light. I love looking at the clouds. They remind me of freedom, and freedom is very important to me. I don't think I did anything special to take this, and I don't I have anything  would have done differently. 

A White Christmas

A White Christmas I took this on Christmas Eve. It was my first white Christmas, and it was in my new house, which made it that much more special. I like how it turned out, but I wish I could have gotten the falling snowflakes a little more clear, so they don't just look like a white blur. But it's not terrible. I didn't really do anything special, but I should have.

Had for a While

Had for a While This is a picture of part of one wall in my bedroom. I have pictures and little knick-knacks on them. I tried to focus this picture on the little stuffed lambs I have. I wanted to get a unique angle, and I think it worked out. I like that you can see my corkboard too. I'm very connected to those lambs. I've had the yellow one since I was 2, it was given to me by my great grandma, and I've had the white one since I was maybe 10, given to me by my grandma. I'm very happy with how the picture turned out. I think if I were to do anything different, I would have tried to get the stuffies into the frame more.